Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Is there any other job on the planet where moving some kitchen chairs and throwing a blanket over the top can make you a hero for the rest of the day?

Nope, I didn't think so.

I love this job!

Well, most days I love this job.

If I forget about the fits, failures, and whining of yesterday then yes, I love this job.

Guess that's what life is about....Keeping your eyes forward and pressing on.
Philippians 3:14



Anonymous said...

Can I come over and play?

ginny said...

Glad you had a I-love-this-job day! Every momma needs one now and again.

Sharon Harrison said...

awww...so much fun. Timothy and Kandis' favorite memories of their grandparents' houses were getting to make "forts".

Are you all coming to the wedding next Friday? Can't believe it is a week away.

Talk to you soon.