Friday, September 12, 2008

First Day of School

I'm late posting these (since the first day of school was almost two weeks ago), but better late than never.... right?!?
I think they're pretty proud of their new lunch boxes too.
And oh yes and the dork who wrote 9-01-08 on the sign really meant 9-02-08, but hey what's the difference!



Mamarazzi said...

LOVE these pics! so super cute!

Alice Gunther said...


(and I love the Hanna Anderssons too!)

not up to code said...

They are so cute.

Deb said...

Aww, they are both adorable in their 'back-to-school' gear. :) I hope their first couple of weeks have gone well! :)

ginny said...

Very cute!

(I feel better knowing someone else posts things way past due!)

Anonymous said...

What cuties!

Totallyscrappy said...

Those pictures are so sweet I can almost smell the new crayons! I hope it was fun...

Debye said...

Cute pics! The date isn't what matters and it is not like they will lokk it up when they are older, right?

I gave your blog an award the other day feel free to check it out but please do not worry if you don't pay it forward, I won't be offended at all!!!

knit_chick said...

They are so cute! Great idea to have them hold the piece of paper w/ the date and occasion.