Monday, December 17, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like like.....

Christmas Tour of Homes
So BooMama is hosting a tour of homes in blog land. It's so fun to see everyone's special Christmas decorations.

Here goes my contribution...Christmas at the circus.....

First is my favorite thing to get out every Christmas, my Willow Tree nativity scene. It was such a special time this year putting it up. It's the first year I let the girls help me set it up. They loved it.

Here's the decorated...or rather re-decorated Christmas tree. The girls helped decorate it the first time and then CRASH! it hit the floor. Water pouring everywhere. Broken decorations everywhere. Half of the lights fell so far down that I literally had to start completely over. Sweet Christmas memories! No really, I can laugh about it now. Twenty years from now I'll be saying, "Remember the year the tree fell right after we decorated it?"

Pink stockings on the mantel...can you tell we have girls?! My sister-in-law made these.
I had big plans for putting up outside lights and decorations this year, but wreaths on all of the font windows is as far as it went....thanks Dad!

And finally, here is our ever growing basket of Christmas that are ususally spread all over the living that I only have to pick up fifty times a day. Can you tell how much I love these toys?!

Oh wait...I can't forget my Christmas socks I just finished knitting last night!
Thanks for stopping by my 'home'. Merry Christmas Y'all!


Jessica said...

Love the stockings! And your socks - you are so crafty!
Your tree looks beautiful! I hope y'all have a very Merry Christmas!

Meredith said...

Pink stockings-how sweet! What a mess the tree must have been, but it looks beautiful now. Merry Christmas!

Kelly said...

Your tree is beautiful, even the second time around:-)

The socks are amazing- have you been knitting long? I'm impressed!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

how fun!!

amanda in taiwan
following an unknown path

Lisa said...

I love the pink stockings!
And we had a tree fall over about 12 years ago, and I still remember the mess, so I feel your pain!

Brandi said...

Your nativity set is beautiful!

kari and kijsa said...

OHHH! Your decorations are truly wonderful! What fun!

Merry Christmas blessings,

kari and kijsa

Hootin Anni said...

LOL....cute socks too!!!

I have a slide show for my tour.
I hope you can get connected to view with me, if not, I have a few thumbnail images on my regular blog too.---

My Slide Show Tour

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Hi there! I'm so glad you de-lurked! Your girls are unbelievably adorable. My last three were born in two and a half years, so looking at your photos takes me back. I know you've heard it a thousand times, but REALLY... it goes by SO FAST. Enjoy every second. It truly seems like it was just two years ago that I had four preschoolers, but now they are in first, second, third, and fifth grade! It is unbelievable.

I love all your photos. Gorgeous! And the stockings are to die for. How I love a family of girlies!! :) Kiss those chubby cheeks for me. :)

Deb said...

Very pretty! I love the matching pink stockings for your girls, and the ones that you knit are wonderful! :)

Unknown said...

it is all beautiful and others have said, the stockings are adorable!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

The stockings are too cutie. Thanks for sharing!

Jenni said...

Awesome socks! And stockings! And tree! But most of all, beautiful girls to help you enjoy it all. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You have 3 beautiful daughters. Thank you for letting me stop by.
Mama Bear

ellen b. said...

what a fun tour! the Christmas socks are fabulous! Blessings.

Southern Heart said...

Everything looks so beautiful in your home! and I think that you have the sweetest header I've ever seen. :)

Merry Christmas,


My Trendy Tykes said...

Everything looks great! I love those pink stockings.



Kelly said...

Cute house! Cute stockings! and SUCH cute girls!!!!

jennwa said...

I love the socks. Everything looks terrific. Thanks for sharing.

Monkey Giggles said...

Love the sock and everything else.

Merry Christmas

Chrissy said...

I truly love that Willow Tree nativity set. You have a beautiful home. And great knitting, too, by the way.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of having the child's picture above their stocking. We have stocking hangers that are picture frames (holding pictures of the kids with Santa), but with the way our mantle is built they just aren't stable - if we hang the stockings the whole shebang goes crashing to the ground. I may have to try your great idea! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Three girls so close together--wow! They're adorable! I have 3 too. They're 7, 5, and 2. Merry Christmas!

becky said...

I love your seuss-inspired stockings. So cute!

Lady Why said...

Love that nativity scene... and the socks!

KC said...

Beautiful, just beautiful.. I love the girls stockings and your socks are too cute.
Merry Christmas

Queen of My Domain said...

My daughter would love to have a pink stocking. Your girls are to cute.

It's a Mom Thing said...

I love the way you've displayed your WT nativity. Beautiful! And your girl's stockings are precious.

Nadine said...

Very lovely. Thank you for the tour. Merry Christmas.

Jennisa said...


Merry Christmas!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

I like the pink stockings! :)
We have had our share of fallen trees in the past too!!

Unknown said...

Those socks rock! You did a great job on them. Your fallen tree was able to get back up and looks great! Merry Christmas!

His Doorkeeper said...

Love your black and white pictures of your daughters and you are talented...making your own snazzy socks! WOW! Thanks for sharing your home! Blessngs to you all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tour - even though I'm just getting here in January. I love the socks!