Monday, October 27, 2008

Kiss from the King

A friend of mine talks about "kisses from the King"....just little no reason happies that seem to come at the perfect time.

I've had a rough couple of weeks. Phillip's been working a lot, I've not been feeling good, and Emily's not been sleeping good (which means Mommy gets no sleep either).

On Friday Phillip brought home a gift certificate to get a pedicure. Whoo Hoo, that was definitely an unexpected happy.

Then I got some 'good mail' from Hollee Ann on Saturday. Man, you'll never know how much that meant to me, Hollee Ann!

And wait, that's not all.....Yesterday after church there was a bag hanging on the mirror of my van. Inside was some yummy cookies and yummy yummy pumpkin air freshener thingy....and I LOVE me some pumpkin. The little note just said, "Thanks for your ministry."

Man, any one of those would be a sweet sweet kiss from the King, but instead I got a triple kiss!

God knew I needed a triple kiss cause today I'm taking care of a puker.... Her face is saying, "Momma, why are taking my picture when I'm fixing to puke?"
Oh, and I'm taking care of another jealous, feeling fine, non-puker!
Thank you Phillip, Hollee Ann, and my mystery person for encouraging me and loving on me. I think I'm going to make, I know I'm going to make it!



Jessica said...

You're gonna make it, girl! I wish we lived closer so we could go have coffee! Your girls (even when they're sick) are so precious! I'm still praying for you! Tell Philip we said hello!

Anonymous said...

Poor Emmy! I hope she is feeling better!

Feel free to sgare the goodies you got!

Mamarazzi said...

You. Are. Welcome.

that is why they call it GOOD mail...cuz it feels soooooo good! even something small can make a difference. i am glad it came at the right time!!

Anonymous said...

Tonight I asked Trevor what God made. He said "God made candy. And cars. And the sun. And the moon. And stars. And cookies. And Miss Carrie."

You are up there with cars and candy!! That should make you feel pretty good! :)

ginny said...

Sorry it hasn't been going so good, but glad things are looking up. Hope things look up for Emily soon also.