The picture that's before the url in your browser... it's called a favicon. Wha cha think? Thanks, honey. You're my hero!
I just found your blog today. I clicked on it from Rocks In My Dryer. I've been reading about Emily and saying "Yes! That's Bethany!" Bethany is my high-needs sensory-seeking two year old.
I am a wife to the cutest bald-headed guy ever, a mom to four gorgeous girls (Mara-9, Emily-8, Becca-6, and Ruthie-2), and one fun-loving boy (Sam-4) Yes, they are all mine and my hands are full, but I wouldn't want it any other way. This blog is about my journey as a mother, wife, and aspiring Proverbs 31 woman. Life in the circus... It's crazy; it's loud, but it's too much fun. The best show on earth!
I just found your blog today. I clicked on it from Rocks In My Dryer. I've been reading about Emily and saying "Yes! That's Bethany!" Bethany is my high-needs sensory-seeking two year old.
dropping by from Rocks in my dryer
I LOVE that favicon
How cool is that!!
I need to figure out how to do that too!
Now I know what Brandi's going to ask me to do tonight.
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