Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So I'm finally admiting it.

My Wordless Wednesday posts are never wordless. Instead of pretending that they're wordless, I'm just going to start doing 'Wordful Wednesday' hosted by Seven Clown Circus (love the name of her blog!)

Since Becca's birthday party was two and a half weeks ago, I'd better blog about it before I forget what happened.

We had a Pancake Pajama Party on the Porch, and had a lot of fun.....I ate too much, but it was still fun!

Looking at the pictures though, it looks like it was an experiment in how many kids is too many...

How many kids is too many kids to open presents?

How many kids is too many kids on a trampoline?

How many kids is too many kids in a sandbox?

Oh yeah, and one totally random thing....whoever gave Becca these little recorder things...ummm yeah, thanks!
For more Wordful Wednesday just click the picture below.



Michelle said...

That looked and sounded like a lot of fun! :)

tiarastantrums said...

great idea -looks like fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Look at how much fun they had..
Great pictures..

Claremont First Ward said...

My kids have been given recorders too. I'm pretty sure the giver got sadistic pleasure out of it. :)

Looks like such a great party, and I'm SO glad you'll be participating from now on. I'm looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I believe Connie was the giver of those fine whistles!!

Anonymous said...

I knew you would love those music makers when she opened them. And, no, they are not from us.

ginny said...

The first "friend" party we had for Addi was her third and it was a lot like Becca's second. Every child wanted to help with every thing and do every thing all at once. Bryan begged me never to throw another birthday party again!

Mamarazzi said...

love all the pics. i am so glad you decided to play with Angie on Wordful Wednesday. such a fun group of people. i am sure they will all be by soon to welcome you!

love the last pic and super love the wordful comment behind it!

i am SO that person who gives noisy gifts. in my defense i honestly do not notice the noise kids make.

Rachel said...

Those are cute pics. I need to get copies since my kids seem to be in the middle of most of them.

I understand the noisy toys. My Aunt gave the kids TWO packs of musical instruments one year for Christmas. They only come out once in a blue moon.

The party was great. We had a lot of fun. Thanks for inviting us.

Deb said...

Oh, it looks like a fun party! And I'm so with you on the recorders... :)