Thursday, October 9, 2008


This picture just cracks me up.
Look at that face...she has no idea that this book is going to rock her world!

Look out little strong-willed one, Dr. Dobson is already working on your little self, and Mommy is only on page 50!



ldperez said...

That picture could not be more adorable. I have 3 girls myself (ages 2, 5, and 7). Love your blog!

not up to code said...

That expression is priceless! She will appreciate this pic when she is all grown up and mother to her very own strong willed child.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see how this battle plays out.

(Emmy said she was on page 105, just so you know.)

Mamarazzi said...

that picture is FANTASTIC...they both are great but the smirky little cheeky one is just too awesome!

love it!

oh and PS love that book!

Anonymous said...

Irony is right! I don't know how you could get the camera focused. My eyes would have been full of tears from laughing so hard.

You need to send that to focus on the family.

Chelle said...

Yes you need to send that to Dobson. Great stuff.

Sharon Harrison said...

ok...I bet Focus on the Family would pay money for that picture. She is precious.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...

Irony is right - completely and utterly. :)

So does the book really help? Might have to look into that... :)